Neurofeedback Perth

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The Power of the Brain

The brain is the centre of the human nervous system, governing our thoughts, feelings and movements; it filters and prioritizes all the information that bombards our senses even while we sleep; it controls our autonomic functions from swallowing and breathing to heart rate and perspiration; it constantly modifies our memories to improve our decision-making abilities and from early infancy it allows us to develop the self-awareness that makes us uniquely human.

Since you were born your brain has been developing and being fine tuned from the network of connections, associations, genetics and life experiences. Essentially life moulds your brain, and it has been described as 'plastic' meaning it will continue to develop throughout life. So it’s never too late to learn new information, change your thought processes and boost your brain power.

It’s important to keep working out your brain. You can do this my doing problem solving, puzzles, brain teasers, quizzes, learning new things, challenging yourself, being creative, performing mental tasks and doing neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback training is an all-natural approach that can create long-term changes in brain function. It uses a system of audio and visual feedback to re-train your brain, and bring it back to balance.

An amazing fact is the brain is so big and nutrient hungry that an estimated 25% of all our energy expenditure is used to power its 85 billion neurons; and new connections are formed between them every time you make a memory! All this brain size and flexibility is great news for those of you who recognise the importance of good brain health, stimulation and development.

Did you know that the hippocampus (a region of the brain associated with the consolidation of information from short-term to long-term memory and spatial navigation) continues to grow new brain cells well into old age?

So start exercising your brain so it can function optimally. It can change your life in amazingly smart ways!

Contact me at Neurofeedback Perth on 0402041561 or if you would like further information of how to optimise the power of your mind, body, spirit and life.