Posts tagged Neurofeedback
How Does NeurOptimal Work?

NeurOptimal® brain training works as a ‘detection and monitoring’ system of the changes in cortical patterns within the brain.  It mimics the communication of your  Central Nervous System (CNS) by ‘mirroring’ the brain activity that can be undermining optimal brain function.

You can think of NeurOptimal® training as holding up a mirror to your brain. Imagine you had not seen yourself in a mirror in a long time. Once you see your reflection you naturally start adjusting yourself, maybe standing a little taller, straightening up your hair and so on. The mirror provides the information you need to correct and adjust yourself. And so it is with the brain.

The brain has an inherent ability to self-correct when given the right information and NeurOptimal® is designed to provide the brain with the information it needs to make its own adjustments. Inconsistency, or abrupt changes in electrical activity in the brain, undermines optimal functioning of the brain. NeurOptimal® detects these abrupt changes and informs the brain of these sudden shifts through interruptions in the sound you are listening to. These almost imperceptible pauses invite your central nervous system to pull away from this less-than-ideal path it was on. This happens over and over until the natural self-correction becomes your new normal and your brain functions more efficiently, effectively and comfortably. When this happens, you sleep better, are less stressed, can focus more easily and feel the joy of an easier life, despite the challenges you may face from the outside.

This approach to training is unique to NeurOptimal®. Training with NeurOptimal® allows your brain — and you — to become more flexible, more resilient.

And a better brain means a better life!
